
The West Moon Chronicle #1

Frank Jun Kim has a true winner on his hands, as long as he maintains this level of storytelling craftsmanship. The core plot revolves around a man who has hit a rough patch in life and seeks assistance from his grandfather. Yet, from the moment the grandfather greets his grandson...


Alice in Leatherland

Alice in Leatherland, a graphic novel by Iolanda Zanfardino and Elisa Romboli, follows the journey of Alice, a young woman who relocates to San Francisco after her girlfriend's betrayal. Seeking a fresh start, Alice discovers an unconventional sex shop called Leatherland, which becomes a catalyst for her personal growth. Within...


The Ocean WIll Take Us #5

The series began with an intriguing concept, offering a teen horror story that presented a visually brighter and more vibrant world. However, it has evolved and expanded beyond that initial premise while still maintaining its core essence. Rich Douek has skillfully packed a lot into this series and brings it...


Bylines in Blood #1

Bylines in Blood #1 introduces us to a hauntingly proximate future, immersing us in the atmospheric world of Satya, a hardened private investigator who takes on cases to make ends meet. However, her life takes a personal turn when she discovers that her former editor and mentor has been killed....


Cats Cradle The Golden Twine

Cats Cradle The Golden Twine approaches the fantasy genre with a gentle touch, avoiding overwhelming readers with an excess of specific terminology, names, and mythologies. Instead, it warmly welcomes readers into a cozy, candle-lit home, quickly captivating them with a vibrant, delightful, and humorous world. The story revolves around Suri, a...



Our intrepid ghost whisperer, Kat, finds herself trapped between the demands of angels and the looming threat of demons. With both sides pressuring her to locate the ghosts she has transported, Kat is faced with a difficult decision. In a display of her badassery, she gathers her friends to aid...


A Kings Vengence #2

A King's Vengeance follows the Quest plot structure. In this type of story, the protagonist sets out on a journey to achieve a specific goal. In this case, the protagonist is the king, and his goal is to get revenge on the man who killed him. The Quest plot structure is...


My Bad # 5

This issue is the most quintessentially "comic book" of the series, with a coherent and plot-focused story. However, the satire hasn't been sacrificed in favor of plot. The book retains its trademark humor while providing a clear sense of the story's direction. If there's been one criticism of the series,...


Clear #3

Clear, written by the Eisner and Harvey Award-winning writer Scott Snyder, known for his acclaimed works such as DC Comics' Batman and Swamp Thing, as well as his creation American Vampire for Vertigo, is a remarkable piece of storytelling. Snyder's writing is concise, clear, and free from overwhelming technological jargon....


Archer & Armstrong Forever #2

With Armstrong stripped of his immortality, it falls upon Archer to uncover the secrets of eternal life. Somewhere in the annals of history, there must be a myth that holds the key... or so they hope. Their perilous quest spans the globe, from the legendary Fountain of Youth to encounters...