Phantom of the Idol
ZINGS, a popular male idol duo, is gaining attention, but not always for the right reasons. One member, Kazuki Yoshino, is full of energy and charm with his blonde hair and infectious enthusiasm. However, his partner, Yuya Niyodo, is constantly disinterested and often displays incompetence on stage. He sometimes even forgets the lyrics to their songs, much to the frustration and despair of their agent, Hitomi Shinano.
One day, while Niyodo is feeling down and questioning his decision to become an idol, he encounters a girl in a vibrant costume sitting beside him on a backstage bench. To his surprise, she asks if he can see her. Her name is Asahi Mogami, and she reveals that she is also an idol, albeit a ghost. Only Niyodo can see and hear her, as Yoshino remains unaware of her presence. Asahi, who tragically died in a road accident a year earlier, is determined to change Niyodo’s attitude and make sure he succeeds as an idol in her place. Although she can no longer be an idol herself, she takes possession of Niyodo during their performances, transforming him into a skilled and lively performer. The ZINGS fangirls are initially shocked but soon ecstatic at the remarkable change in their ‘bias.’
Thus, an extraordinary partnership is formed between a reluctant idol and his phantom muse. As ZINGS’ fame spreads, they receive an invitation to participate in a major event called Hottie Farm, where they will share the stage with the renowned idol group Cgrass. However, someone has noticed Niyodo’s tendency to incorporate Asahi’s mannerisms during his performances, and that someone is Hikaru Setouchi, the leader of Cgrass. Setouchi is deeply obsessed with Asahi and becomes furious at Niyodo for allegedly tarnishing her memory. He personally confronts Niyodo, warning him to stop imitating Asahi or face dire consequences.
With ZINGS and Cgrass both participating in Hottie Farm, it’s an opportunity for ZINGS to elevate their status in the idol world. However, the event includes a merchandise session called Hot n’Fresh, where fans who have paid for the privilege can meet their idols. Much to Niyodo’s surprise, Setouchi disguises himself and joins Niyodo’s queue, determined to confront him once again.
As tensions rise and aspirations clash, ZINGS must navigate the challenges of their newfound fame while dealing with the passionate rivalry between Niyodo and Setouchi. The world of idols becomes even more complicated and thrilling as ZINGS strive to make their mark in the industry.