Hit Me #1
“Hit Me” #1 is an adrenaline-fueled thriller brought to life by the talented duo of writer Christa Faust and artist Priscilla Petraites. Drawing from Faust’s own experiences as a professional dominatrix and adult film performer and producer, the story immerses readers in a world where every detail feels authentic. Our protagonist, Lulu, provides insight into her job, explaining that she gets paid based on the intensity of the bruises she inflicts and the range of abuse she is willing to engage in for a fee. She emphasizes the importance of consent and clearly sets boundaries, warning anyone who dares to violate them that her guard dog will be unleashed.
While Faust’s personal experiences shine through, her approach to the genre itself leans towards the generic. The pages are often filled with literal narration that mirrors the visual depiction, leaving little room for deeper context or exploration. For instance, when Lulu is attacked and shot, her inner dialogue simply states, “I hit the deck as a bullet kissed my left shoulder.” While some may find this style fitting for the genre, it feels like a missed opportunity to delve into a more nuanced presentation.
Fortunately, Petraites excels in bringing Faust’s script to life visually. She skillfully captures the emotions and motivations of each character, paying attention to subtle details that enhance their portrayal. For example, in a scene where a sleazy boss appears with two attractive models by his side, Petraites ensures the models are depicted looking away with expressions of disgust. Colorist Marco Lesko complements Petraites’ thin line work with appropriate noir and thriller tones, creating a cohesive visual style that adds depth to the storytelling.
Overall, “Hit Me” #1 offers a thrilling and authentic glimpse into a unique world, propelled by Faust’s personal experiences and Petraites’ artistry. While the narrative may lean towards the generic at times, the attention to detail and the skillful visuals make for an engaging read.