Bountiful Garden #5
When reflecting on the final issue of a series arc, it’s important to assess how well it concludes and consider the broader story as a whole, particularly in anticipation of its release as a trade.
Let’s start with the finale and its effectiveness in wrapping up the arc. In short, it falls short of providing a complete resolution. The ending leaves numerous loose ends, giving the impression that it serves as the conclusion of the first act or chapter rather than the entire arc. Instead of resolving conflicts to pave the way for the next phase, the story abruptly ends, with the only notable change being the departure of the Jemison from orbit.
Whether this can be considered a satisfying arc conclusion might vary depending on personal preference. However, it’s fair to say that the nebulous ending is primarily due to one particular aspect. The final page portrays two characters in conflict, leaving the story on a cliffhanger in the midst of their confrontation. It’s akin to witnessing two charging bulls about to collide, only for an announcer to declare, “That’s all for now.” This unconventional stopping point hampers the arc’s sense of closure, lacking a clear sense of transition.
Now, let’s assess the arc as a whole. It can be described as passable, albeit with some peculiarities. As evident in our reviews of previous issues, we have raised concerns about the art choices and style clashing with the story’s tone and themes. While the concept of crafting a space horror narrative inspired by Alien, featuring a cast of children, may seem innovative, its execution in this series leaves something to be desired. As the tension and drama escalate, the storybook art style and childlike character designs undermine the impact of the more intense moments. It’s akin to witnessing a middle school play where two sixth-graders act out a highly dramatic scene depicting the divorce of two adults. Despite the “explanation” provided for why the entire crew consists of children, it fails to fully resonate.
In conclusion, while the finale of this arc falls short in providing a satisfying resolution, the overall arc itself is adequate, albeit with its peculiarities. The series could have benefitted from stronger closure and a more cohesive blending of art style and narrative tone.