Think You’re Cut Out for Doing Not All Robots #1 ?

Not All Robots #1

Not All Robots #1 : In the year 2056, life is bleak, especially for those who aren't considered technically alive. Humanity has ravaged the planet and now relies on protective bubbles surrounding major cities and the labour of mechanized robots for survival. With the advent of sentient...



In the year 2056, a profound shift has occurred as robots have replaced human laborers, resulting in a precarious coexistence between the newly intelligent machines and the ten billion humans inhabiting Earth. Each human family is assigned a robot companion on whom they depend entirely. However, lurking beneath the surface...


Hit Me #1

"Hit Me" #1 is an adrenaline-fueled thriller brought to life by the talented duo of writer Christa Faust and artist Priscilla Petraites. Drawing from Faust's own experiences as a professional dominatrix and adult film performer and producer, the story immerses readers in a world where every detail feels authentic. Our...


E-Ratic Recharge #1

Despite the dynamic art by Kaare Andrews and vibrant colors by Brian Reber, E-Ratic Recharged #1 falls into the category of a typical teenage superhero comic. One noticeable drawback is the lack of distinctiveness among Andrews' female characters, as they are written and drawn in a somewhat interchangeable manner. The...


The Crimson Cage #1

The Crimson Cage is a comic book series written by Mark Blackwell and illustrated by Sarah Winters. The story follows the adventures of Jake Williams, a young man who discovers that he possesses superhuman abilities after an incident at a mysterious research facility. However, as he tries to uncover the...