In the year 2056, a profound shift has occurred as robots have replaced human laborers, resulting in a precarious coexistence between the newly intelligent machines and the ten billion humans inhabiting Earth. Each human family is assigned a robot companion on whom they depend entirely. However, lurking beneath the surface...
Hit Me #1
"Hit Me" #1 is an adrenaline-fueled thriller brought to life by the talented duo of writer Christa Faust and artist Priscilla Petraites. Drawing from Faust's own experiences as a professional dominatrix and adult film performer and producer, the story immerses readers in a world where every detail feels authentic. Our...
E-Ratic Recharge #1
Despite the dynamic art by Kaare Andrews and vibrant colors by Brian Reber, E-Ratic Recharged #1 falls into the category of a typical teenage superhero comic. One noticeable drawback is the lack of distinctiveness among Andrews' female characters, as they are written and drawn in a somewhat interchangeable manner. The...
The Crimson Cage #1
The Crimson Cage is a comic book series written by Mark Blackwell and illustrated by Sarah Winters. The story follows the adventures of Jake Williams, a young man who discovers that he possesses superhuman abilities after an incident at a mysterious research facility. However, as he tries to uncover the...