The Oblivion Trials #3
Chen and Packard take a momentary pause in the action, delving into the pasts of Emily and Harun through well-executed flashbacks. These glimpses shed light on their histories and hint at the tumultuous relationships they’ve experienced. While Harun’s background is revealed, the flashback regarding his involvement in the Trials raises more questions than answers. Despite the additional details provided, the overall picture of Kiko’s allies remains somewhat unclear.
Amidst the chaos of Kiko’s adventure, he confronts Henry, Emily’s ex-boyfriend. This encounter solidifies Henry’s sinister nature, showcasing how the afterlife has enhanced his dangerous tendencies, making him an even more formidable threat.
In terms of character development, this issue excels. The pacing is well-maintained, the dialogue feels natural, and the flashbacks offer significant insight. However, in the present timeline, the story lacks progression as Kiko and his friends find themselves trapped in a cave, facing off against Henry and his gang. Kiko’s subsequent escape feels somewhat contrived, seemingly included to foreshadow the arrival of a new character.