The Resurrected
Christian Carnouche’s ambitious science fiction series combines several fascinating concepts to create a near future where death is a curable ailment, thanks to the Drexler Nanotech Corporation. However, this progress has come at a cost: just a few years ago, an explosion at a Drexler nanotechnology factory wiped out 99% of Australia’s population.The Resurrected” is a horror comic book series created by Christian Carnouche, an Australian writer. The story follows Officer Terrence Wright, who becomes entangled in a dark and supernatural mystery after a series of bizarre and grisly murders occur in the city of New Orleans. The comic delves into themes of life, death, and resurrection, exploring the consequences of tampering with the natural order of things.
Cain Duluth, a policeman of Aboriginal descent, lost his wife and child in that explosion. He has relocated to Nova Lucis, a fictional New York island, to escape his past. But when he and his partner Akimi Ozaki investigate the murder of a recently resurrected individual, they are drawn into a conflict with Drexler and an unexpected antagonist. Along the way, Duluth is forced to confront his heritage.
Rizam Zamora and Salvatore Aiala bring a diverse cast of characters to life, bound by a strong allegory of the persecution of Aboriginal Australians by the British Empire. The world of 2037 Nova Lucis is both a tech paradise and an eerily soulless dystopia. Zamora’s clean, crystalline cityscapes are a far cry from the well-worn Blade Runner template. Yet, despite all its progress, “The Resurrected” future feels equally hopeless.
As with many modern science fiction works, “The Resurrected” occasionally feels as if it’s torn between delivering smart sci-fi or gratuitous action. However, it strikes a better balance between the two than the Hollywood blockbusters from which it presumably draws much inspiration. Christian Carnouche’s script revels in the usual genre conventions while blending in bold social-political commentary, Aboriginal mythology, and enough fresh ideas to make for a gripping and unpredictable read.