We Have Demons #1
The core of this story revolves around Lam sharing her life journey with her neighbors, the Spoons. She opens up about her father, a preacher with a hidden secret, which eventually led her to leave home. When her stepmother contacts her with news of her father’s passing, Lam attends the funeral only to find unfamiliar faces among the mourners. After the service, she stumbles upon a concealed chamber in her father’s church, where she encounters her stepfather. It is here that the truth about her father is revealed—he was a demon hunter, part of an ancient lineage spanning countless generations. As Lam concludes her narrative, she tests the Spoons using her father’s axe, seeking any indication of demonic presence. To her relief, the axe remains dormant, and she begins to feel drowsy, just as the Spoons transform into demons. Lam manages to escape their clutches but finds herself cornered, until Gus, her father’s partner, arrives unexpectedly and saves her. However, Gus is not the person she anticipated.
Scott Snyder’s distinctive writing style is fully on display in this issue, embracing a generous amount of exposition to convey essential information. Yet, Snyder’s approach is imbued with a flair and charm that captivates readers, making the exposition absorbing and entertaining. While this issue may contain a significant amount of information, Snyder skillfully constructs a narrative mansion for readers to explore, granting them access to specific rooms, much like a video game. As the story progresses, Snyder gradually provides the keys for readers to venture further into this expansive world.
With this issue, Snyder establishes a captivating mythology within the world of ‘We Have Demons.’ The rich and intriguing setting holds great potential for further exploration as the series unfolds. Lam’s narrative voice brings a delightful and entertaining quality to the story, making the prospect of spending more time with her and delving deeper into her character a thrilling prospect. The introduction of Gus adds an intriguing layer, and Snyder’s execution of this revelation keeps readers guessing.
Having collaborated for an extensive period, Capullo and Snyder share a deep understanding of each other’s craft. Capullo’s artistic prowess makes him the ideal choice for illustrating this comic. He masterfully brings Snyder’s script to life, particularly excelling in capturing the essence of demons. While action may be limited in this issue, the artwork showcases stunning visuals, brilliantly rendered by Capullo and Glapion. It will be fascinating to see how the art team continues to shape the future of this book.