The Book of Evil #1
Omer, a young man residing in a region known as the Yolk, shares his life with his older brother Poe and a group of friends. They inhabit this confined world due to the control exerted by a new breed of humans beyond its borders. These individuals lack empathy and display psychotic behavior. Omer and his companions toil in the city, while he actively searches for his missing brother.
In this bleak existence, their sole source of entertainment comes from a series of comic strips within the “Book of Evil.” Omer suspects that these strips may contain hidden messages for others like them, guiding them towards escape. When Omer discovers the truth about his brother’s disappearance, he stumbles upon a concealed, locked box that appears to be linked to the Book of Evil.
The Story: Snyder presents a captivating, thought-provoking, and superbly paced narrative in this issue. It seamlessly oscillates between moments of whimsy and deep contemplation. One of its greatest strengths lies in the reader’s immersion into the same fear and uncertainty experienced by Omer as he navigates a perilous and unpredictable world. The story’s gradual buildup and the intricate world being crafted within this series are particularly praiseworthy.
The Art: Jock’s artwork harmoniously aligns with the literary tone of the series. Its minimalist style captures beauty and nuance, almost as if the characters are visually narrating the story directly to the reader.
Please note that this is a condensed rewrite, capturing the key elements while maintaining the essence of the original description.