
Hit Me #1

"Hit Me" #1 is an adrenaline-fueled thriller brought to life by the talented duo of writer Christa Faust and artist Priscilla Petraites. Drawing from Faust's own experiences as a professional dominatrix and adult film performer and producer, the story immerses readers in a world where every detail feels authentic. Our...


Maniac of New York: The Bronx is Burning #4

Maniac of New York: The Bronx is Burning #4 is a dark and gritty comic book that continues to build on the suspense and horror of the previous issues. The story follows the titular Maniac Harry as he stalks and kills his way through the Bronx, leaving a trail of...


The Oblivion Trials #3

Chen and Packard take a momentary pause in the action, delving into the pasts of Emily and Harun through well-executed flashbacks. These glimpses shed light on their histories and hint at the tumultuous relationships they've experienced. While Harun's background is revealed, the flashback regarding his involvement in the Trials raises...


E-Ratic Recharge #1

Despite the dynamic art by Kaare Andrews and vibrant colors by Brian Reber, E-Ratic Recharged #1 falls into the category of a typical teenage superhero comic. One noticeable drawback is the lack of distinctiveness among Andrews' female characters, as they are written and drawn in a somewhat interchangeable manner. The...


The Book of Evil #1

Omer, a young man residing in a region known as the Yolk, shares his life with his older brother Poe and a group of friends. They inhabit this confined world due to the control exerted by a new breed of humans beyond its borders. These individuals lack empathy and display...


The Rush #5

The Rush #5 opens with a bang, literally. Nettie is attacked by a monstrous creature, and the scene is both horrifying and exhilarating. The creature is well-designed and the violence is visceral, but it's not just the gore that makes this scene so effective. It's also the way that it...


Our Colors

A fortuitous and dreamlike encounter with an older, bearded man by the shore sets the stage for an unexpected friendship. Mr. Amamiya, the proprietor of a quaint café housed in a weathered building nearby, reveals to Sora that he is gay. Sora feels an instant connection and recognizes Mr. Amamiya...



Thistlebone made a chilling entrance into 2000 AD, infusing the pages with an air of malevolent folk horror and nightmares in its first installment. Now, in Thistlebone: Poisoned Roots, we return to the quaint English village of Harrowvale, where the echoes of past horrors still linger alongside the idyllic countryside....



Laura and Other Stories #1, written by Guillem March and published by Ablaze Comics, presents a translated version of March's early work that is now available in English. This story explores the universal themes of lost love and youthful longing, which can resonate with readers of all genders. The narrative...


Magus of the Library Volume 5

As we catch up with our main character, we find him and his classmates exploring various office options for their future careers. They spend half a day in each department, gaining insight into their roles and how their individual skills align with the work. Afterward, it's back to class for...