Our intrepid ghost whisperer, Kat, finds herself trapped between the demands of angels and the looming threat of demons. With both sides pressuring her to locate the ghosts she has transported, Kat is faced with a difficult decision. In a display of her badassery, she gathers her friends to aid her in this dire situation, while the ghosts themselves have a plan of their own within her mindscape.

‘Dirtbag Rapture’ has been an exhilarating journey thus far, spanning four gripping issues. Who could have imagined that angels and demons could be such insufferable troublemakers? Kat’s predicament becomes increasingly precarious as the stakes are raised by Christopher Sebela. Despite her best efforts, she is forced to confront the choice of surrendering the ghosts she has aided or succumbing to the demons’ sinister plans that threaten to unleash the apocalypse. Sebela masterfully heightens the tension, forcing Kat to confront her own resolve and decide which path she will take. While her friends possess unique and valuable skills, Sebela skillfully avoids relying on them too heavily, allowing the burden to rest primarily on Kat’s shoulders. This challenge tests her character growth, as she transforms from a weary, ghost-transporting stoner into a pivotal player in the epic struggle between heaven and hell. The journey thus far has been nothing short of extraordinary.

The vivid and colorful artwork by Kendall Goode and Gab Contreras continues to captivate readers’ attention, even during moments of calm and contemplation. Their expressive depiction of body language adds depth to the lively debates surrounding Kat’s choices. Letterer Jim Campbell deftly handles the extensive dialogue, distinguishing between the voices of angels and demons with distinct markings.

In summary, ‘Dirtbag Rapture’ has taken readers on a thrilling ride, showcasing Kat’s evolution and pitting her against the forces of heaven and hell. With its compelling story, dynamic artwork, and expert lettering, this series continues to captivate and leave readers eagerly anticipating what lies ahead.

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