The Boogyman
Salvia introduces us to a gripping story centered around a young boy thrust into a dangerous turf war among factions of Boogymen, resulting in the tragic loss of his parents. The premise alone captures our attention, but what sets Salvia apart is the skillful incorporation of rich lore and intricate rules that hint at a sprawling narrative spanning centuries. It feels as though we’ve stumbled into a whole new world, with its own history and dramatic tensions, and we experience it all through the eyes of Elliot, our curious and naive protagonist.
The premise is executed flawlessly, with Salvia’s dialogue providing just enough information to piece together the puzzle while keeping certain aspects shrouded in mystery. The pacing is deliberate, steadily building tension until it reaches a relentless crescendo once the action unfolds. And the issue concludes with a tantalizing cliffhanger, igniting anticipation for the explosive events to come.
Djet’s artwork in this issue is nothing short of fantastic. Each panel is strategically framed to emphasize Elliot’s small and vulnerable stature when faced with the towering creatures he encounters. Djet masterfully employs size and perspective to convey the intimidating presence of the Boogymen, effectively enhancing and complementing Salvia’s captivating story.