My Bad # 5
This issue is the most quintessentially “comic book” of the series, with a coherent and plot-focused story. However, the satire hasn’t been sacrificed in favor of plot. The book retains its trademark humor while providing a clear sense of the story’s direction. If there’s been one criticism of the series, it’s been its occasional aimlessness. While each issue has offered a plethora of clever jokes, the overall story hasn’t always been evident. This issue addresses that concern, and given that there are only five issues in the series, the wait wasn’t lengthy at all.
Considering how the series began, it’s a testament to the writers’ skill that they’ve not only crafted likable and unlikable characters but also woven in twists that genuinely make readers care about individuals they once dismissed as mere puns and jokes several months ago.
It’s difficult to determine whether the series should have started off more like this issue. On the whole, the central chapter of this installment is the most engaging of the entire series, so perhaps it could have been. However, who’s to say that the preceding entries weren’t necessary to make some of the series’ jokes land?
All in all, this issue of [comic name] is a fantastic showcase of the series’ potential. The humor is sharp, the characters are well-developed, and the story is captivating. If you haven’t had the chance to dive into this series yet, I highly recommend giving it a go.